~Mysteriousgal~ said:
ya tiya ho gaya hai ...
Allah mujhay maaf karna![]()
but hoa kiya
LiL_DollY said:
Teen Tracker said:Another Excellent Topic By Dolly
What do you love about yourself?
My Hair , My Name and My Waist (Galz even get jealous
on that)
What are your strengths and WEaknesses?
My Commitments, Responsibility,Modereted Nature
Easily trust on others,lazy,Wrestling,My Family
Whats did you dream last night?
Dating with Diya Mirza Lol
What would you rather have Arranged/Love? Y?
Arranged at least in case of failure u can blame other[/
How ManY KidS r In Ur FuTuRE?
One PLaCe Uve Never Been 2?
SwitzerLand , Canada and SaudiArabia
One PLace You PLan to VisiT withIN thiS Year
USA and Norway
HOw ManY SiBlIngs R In Ur HOme?
HOw ManY Out?
FavoRite Fairy Tale?
Ek tha Raja ek thee rani
FavoRIte COlOr?
Blue and Black
FavoRite Hobbies that keep you busy
Music and Wrestling shows
Shower OR bath???
Favorite Food?
Many Paye,Niharee ,karahee, Kabab ,Pulao, Biryani,
Bhindi, Daal chawal
WHose YOur best friend??
Bilal Shehzad
WHo did you talk to yesterday???
Many But special one is one
Where r u right now???
In my room laptop on my lap
HOw manY DaYS DoeS it TakE 2 Fall IN loVE?
365 days
WHats Your FavoRite Weather?
WHat WOuld You Be DoinG in THat KInda WeAthEr?
Looked in Room and having a cup of cofee
WHenS UR BIrthDay??
17th October
WhAt DO You WanT that You Cant HAve?
Amina Shifat and Sara Chodary a famous model[/
WhAts YouR biGGest HOpe???
Establish my own business of Software Export
Do YOu BEliEve In MiraCLES?
WHAT R U wishinG rIght NOw
that any one of my frnd or whom i love call me
WhAt CaN U CooK?
Cofee and Boiled Egg
WhO MAde YoU Laugh TOdaY?
My Bro
WhO MAde You Cry TodAy?
WHat Relaxes U OR destreSses You???
My Mom
FaVorite Sports???
WhAt VIeW do YoU HavE WHen U LooK OuT YoUR WInDOw?
CHooSe 1: SunSet or SUnRise
ChOOse ANoTHEr: PAst OR FUtUre
WhAt CanT YOu LIVE withOut?
My father
WHenS the LAst tIme Yah Went TO THe DenTIst?
6 months back
WhOSe ThINkIn OF You WhEn YoU SneeZe???
WHat DO yoU PraY 4 EveryDay?
make my family stick to me
WhAt WouLd mAke Ur Life So Much EasiEr?
My Car
What Are YoUr GoaLS for 2006?
Marriage and made my earnings as double as i am
earning now
Tell ME SOmEthIng I havenT AlreadY LearNed AbOut YAh!
Remember i have told u b4
awww....Am I invited to the wedding
INtersting...IM getting to know you better Mr. t